{% extends "base.html" %} {% load bootstrap4 %} {% load widget_tweaks %} {% block title %}Client - Claims and Corrections{% endblock title %} {% block content %}

{% include "client_navbar.html" %}

Claims and Corrections


{% if current_conversion_file_url %}(current conversion){%endif%}
({% if claim and claim.file and claim.file.url %}supplied correction{%else%}no file attached{%endif%})

{% for comment in comments%}
{{comment.author}} {{comment.created_at}}
({% if comment and comment.file and comment.file.url %}doc{%else%}no file attached{%endif%})
{%endfor%} {%if not claim.closed %}
{% csrf_token %} {% bootstrap_form comment_form %} {% buttons %}
Mark As Resolved {% endbuttons %}
{% endblock content %}